"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
March 24, 2017There will be times in life when you will feel like despite your best efforts, you're banging your head up against a dead wall. Yes, walls are not living or dead, but bear with me here.
In those moments you might very well feel like every single thing you have tried has led you to nothing but failure and whatever dream it is you have is impossible. But I'm going to try and change your mind...
My favorite lady once said, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
That is why rather than looking at failure as a dead end, look at it as an opportunity to try something new; but also as an opportunity to learn something new. Instead of looking at the setbacks you face as road blocks, look at them as the springboards pushing you forward.
As I was browsing the updates on my news feed yesterday, I stumbled on a gem by the inspirational Jay Shetty. No one says it better than him.
As I was browsing the updates on my news feed yesterday, I stumbled on a gem by the inspirational Jay Shetty. No one says it better than him.
So what if your last try didn't work out? Don't stop! What are you going to learn from it? What new thing are you going to add to the equation?
I'm convinced that the more a person is willing to learn, the more capable they are at achieving whatever it is they set their mind to!
So don't give up. Keep walking, keep trying. Success is a process just as learning is its partner.