Easiest and Healthiest Breakfast in the World: Oatmeal
September 19, 2016Wait...you didn't think I was going to write a blog without talking about FOOD, did you? Heavens sakes, that's madness! So, onward to one of the best breakfasts that I've adapted to over the past few years: Oatmeal.
That's right. This simple, quick, and easy meal is packed with water-soluble fiber that will actually fill you up and keep you satisfied to the next meal (hopefully for most of you, this means LUNCH.)
It's okay if you're not sold right away. I took my own sweet little while...okay, years. It took me years.
Oatmeal used to repel me like North and South Korea to each other. The texture was all wrong, felt really weird in my mouth; it was just gross. I think there was one time in history when I, as a child, tried to give it another go. I took one bite of the stuff and I was done. I'd sworn it off forever...until now.
Now as a student in college, I have those mornings where I don't have a lot of time to make a three-course breakfast, or just flat out don't have a lot of energy to even THINK of my breakfast menu. On these mornings oatmeal is a fantastic choice to fall back on.
The easiest and quickest way to fashion your oats is in the microwave:
Hot-served Oatmeal:
1/2 c oats
1 c milk or water (I prefer milk)
a pinch of salt
1 1/2 T honey
fruit of your choice
1. Mix oats, milk, and salt in a microwave safe bowl. Put it in the microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes or until the milk begins to boil. Your oats should be puffy and bit thick.
2. Add in honey and a handful of fruit of your choice. I personally love raspberries and blueberries.
Ta-da! The most filling breakfast you could ask for!
You can even prepare your oats the night before and eat them cold!
Overnight Oats:
1/2 c oats
1 t chia seeds (this helps thicken the oats)
3/4 c milk
a pinch of salt
1 1/2 T of honey
fruit of your choice (add in the morning)
jar with matching lid
1. Mix everything except the fruit together in a jar and seal tight with matching lid.
2. Leave in fridge to set overnight (or least 2 hours)
3. Come morning add your fruit in and ENJOY!
This breakfast will save you time and time again. You won't regret it!
Bon Appetit!