Capsule Wardrobes: Less is More!
September 28, 2016
You know that loads-worth of clothing you could pull out of your closet solely made up of all the clothes you NEVER wear? Here's a thought. Why don't you walk over to your closet, pull them out, and actually get rid of them! Seriously! What's the point of hanging on to something (no pun intended) that you never use? It's just taking up space,
That's the beautiful thing about capsule wardrobes, EVERYTHING gets worn, used, and loved.
If you have a true and honest capsule wardrobe, your entire closet should almost fit inside a medium to large suitcase. With that said, this means your closet will only be about 37 to 45 pieces. Yes, this includes shirts, jackets, coats, skirts, pants, jeans, and shoes.
If you want to be REALLY thrifty, it could also include your belts, hats, purses, and other accessories too. Why hold on to a ton of bags that you never use? Again, it just ends up a useless pile taking up space!
When the season starts changing, this is when you know it's time to change up the wardrobe and put some out of season things away. If the leaves on the trees are changing colors, sorry hon, but that means it's time for those pretty chiffon tanks and blouses to hibernate for the next little while.
Relax, you don't need to throw them out, just tuck them away in a storage bin or box for now.
You still want to keep it capsule-size, so don't go crazy on the shopping. For as many items as you put away, replace them with a season-appropriate piece. Or maybe you've been wearing that same argyle sweater for too many years and it's time for an update all together. That's fine too, but don't. Go. Overboard.
Funny thing with us humans, we feel the more choices we have, the more freedom we have. That's not always true. Personally, I find the more clothes in my closet, the longer my morning staring-at-the-closet-with-no-idea-what-to-wear session is. Keeping it simple means keeping it short.
You really have more options than you'd think! Three jackets, two jeans, four pairs of shoes, five shirts and blouses, three skirts, three pants, two coats, and three purses means you've got 6,480 different combinations! And that's only 25 articles of clothing!
Still holding that armful of clothes? Well? You going to let it just take up space or what?